
Showing posts from 2010

The Philosophy of Design: A Personal Reflection

Design Philosophy—A Personal Reflection When asked if I could depict or describe the “philosophy of design,” I am slightly distraught. The philosophy or philosophies are infinite and specifically personal to each individual and client. I have done my research; talked to many fellow designers and design educators, and they were equally concerned on the ability to convey these ideas, understanding the broadness of these concepts. I suppose I could quote the great Paul Rand and say “Specifically, a graphic designer is one who creates ideas that are expressed in words and/or pictures, and generally solves problems of visual communication.” Or, I could rattle off some generalized definition of design as in the Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Design and Graphic Designers: “A generic term for the activity of combining typography, illustration, photography and printing for purposes of persuasion, information or instruction.” But that really wouldn’t do any more than increase the confusion of the i...