APA Style: Master's in Marketing: Mobile Manufacturing (MM) Marketing Plan Memorandum e-Mail
Mobile Manufacturing (MM) Marketing Plan Memorandum
Targeting “The Founders” (Generation Z) for Prospective Market Gains in Cell Phone Sales
Thomas Mezzacapa
Applied Managerial Marketing (MKTG630)
Unit II: Individual Project One
Colorado Technical University
2016: October 5th
Professor: Dr. Freddy Lee
October 25th 2016
To: Michelle Dietrich
c/c: Elena Steokovich
from: Tommy Mezzacapa
Exploring the Marketing Mix and Making Marketing Choices
This is an exciting time for Mobile Manufacturing; our new cell phone release is quickly approaching and we need to discuss the directions that we will go in order to get our message out to the public; discussing the best ways to utilize the different forms of media available to us in these technological times. In order for us to be successful with our new marketing campaign, it is imperative that we evaluate the best ways to introduce the world to our new phone. In this e-mail, I’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different digital-media tools and there prominence in our campaign.
Our target-market is “The Founders” or Generation Z. These are young people that are born in the 2000’s and are a defining element of how technology products are purchased; The Founders are a very large part of the world market-share and hold a lot of purchasing power. It is essential that our campaign targets this group effectively, ensuring that MM’s success continues to grow.
It is important that MM chooses an effective marketing strategy in order to reach this young generation. In these modern times, there is a plethora of different mediums that can be used to reach a product manufacture’s target-markets. As this generation is constantly connected with their devices, one would think that social media outlets and web advertising would be the likely choice for targeting the Gen Z’ers. However, it is important to not forget traditional ways to gain branding recognition like television ads, radio spots and printed media to also gain product awareness. Because, as we’ve discussed in the recent memorandum, we believe that the Gen Z parents will likely be the financier for the purchase of the younger generation’s technological products, it will prove to be effective to utilize a combination of digital media with the web and social networks, as well as using the more traditional ways to reach the parents. Using all facets available will be the most effective way to reach this split demographic: the kids who want our devices and the parents that actually pay for them.
Traditional print-media such as magazines and direct-mailings, posters and promotional products (i.e. hats, shirts, and various promotional items) are an effective way to gain branding awareness, especially when the promotional products target the younger generation. Back-up, quick-charge devices can be given away, all with the MM logo brandishing the product, and implanting the MM name into the minds of consumers. A series of shirts targeted at this generation can be given to all that purchase out new phone; something trendy and contemporary that they will actually wear. It will be a nice way for these kids to actually “want” to wear the shirts, getting excited to get their phones will be increased because of the demand for the sought after shirts. By having physical items that the kids will actually use, will offer a stronger brand recognition and boost the population’s brand awareness.
Every-Door-Direct_Mailers (EDDM) can be used to target the parents of our target market. These can use gathered demographics with neighborhoods and average income in order to be selective with who receives our designed media. These printed mailers could target the educational apps that we talked about being an integrated part of MM’s new phone. By catching the parents’ eye with educational help with their children’s phones will be a nice step to gain their awareness of our products and will make it easier for The Gen Z’ers to convince their financiers to actually buy the products. The selection process for the direct-mailers could also include selected schools in that area; each school having a slightly different design, using team logos and mentioning that particular school’s administration backing the educational apps. Additionally, the aforementioned education links for teacher, students and parents could be a feature in the design; selling the parents on the direct connections with the school with the installed apps for each individual educational location.
There is a known disadvantage of targeting youth with printed media. Kids don’t read mailers, if they even look at them it would be a miracle in-and-of-itself. They also do not read traditional magazines like kids of past generations. In the eyes of our country’s youth, printed materials are a thing of the past. Therefore, we need to also target the other part of our demographic with social media and web outlets. These youth are constantly connected with their devices and it’s extremely important to have effective advertising using the digital outlets. There can be another combination with mixing television, video ads that can then be transpired into YouTube ads and other video outlets through the web, including mobilemanufacturing.com. These ads can be loaded into the blog section of the company website, then be easily linked to a variety of different social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest. By having an “embedded code” available, integration into these digital outlets. By targeting the main choices of digital outlets that our Gen Z’ers are known to use, we can ensure that the ads are seen by the youth that we hope to be our main purchaser of our products.
In an article by Catherine Kaputa titled “5 Marketing Tools Apple Exploits to Build the Hype,” we learn a variety of advertising tactics that Apple, Inc. uses to gain market share world-wide. She writes: They Create A Passionate Brand Community Of Fans Who Identity With Apple’s Brand Values While other tech manufacturers see their products as utilitarian, geeky and inexpensive, Apple is the opposite: cool, friendly, and upmarket. Apple has created a brand culture that has attracted a passionate brand community of followers who identify with the brand’s innovativeness, simplicity, and coolness. They are fans who lock into the entire family of Apple products and must have the latest gadget right when it comes out, even if it means waiting in line for hours. It’s quite a phenomenon to behold (Kaputa, 2012). It would be a very wise choice to mimic some of these developed strategies that Apple, Inc. has established. By having contemporary, innovative design on packaging and branding, MM can hopefully gain some of the market share from Apple and beging the climb back to the top of the cell phone industry.
By having a generation that wants and quite frankly needs our devices, and then to have a split target-market between The Founders and their parents, it is important to utilize all facets of digital and traditional marketing. Our appeal for the parents with education and school connectivity will not work on the younger generation. They have different mind sets, yet, theoretically, they’re the in the same target group. Additionally, video ads on YouTube and other social outlets will not be effective with the parents. This will be a challenge to incorporate all facets of advertising into our campaign in order to reach both sides of our demographic; however, it is obtainable. By designing a great product, with updated educational apps, a superior camera featuring a state-of-the-art selfie-camera; and then having a fresh, cutting-edge design of product packaging in order to appeal to both parts of our target-market mixed with successful ads that go after the youth on digital media outlets and using traditional areas like television and printed media to get the attention of the parents, we should have a successful run at really establishing our hold in the domestic and Eastern Europe cell phone industry.
Thank You Sincerely,
T. Mezzacapa
Marketing Consultant
417. 849. 9000
Kaputa, C. (2012, September 28). 5 Marketing Tools Apple Exploits to Build the Hype. In Fast Company. Retrieved October 28, 2016, from https://www.fastcompany.com/3001650/5-marketing-tools-apple-exploits-build-hype