Master's in Marketing: PowerPoint for Mobile Manufacturing
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MM is getting ready to release their new cell phone into the test markets. There has been extensive discussion, as of late, about the chosen target market: The Founders; children born since the year 2000. It is now time to discuss how we are going to market to this newly forming generation and how we boost sales after our new product is released.
In this presentation we'll discuss the implementation of of the new marketing strategy and how we developed this strategy to suit our target market. Also included will be the process that led us to this exciting point for MM's new efforts to gain market share
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New Product Development Cycle
As this diagram depicts: these are the steps to be used for all product development strategies. It is with this model that MM's process with be broken down letting all members of the board know exactly how each step is utilized the in the marketing a new product development.
Each of these steps will be defined and you will be given a breakdown of how these important steps affected the process and how MM's future success will be determined.
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Generating Ideas: Exploring Features
Brainstorming creative ideas for MM's new phone model, there were several features and options that were looked into. First, the thought of using the new, revolutionary “sapphire-crystal” fully-transparent screen was discussed. Aston Martin, and Mobiago are two-companies that are already developing this technology; working with their production team, we could utilize this amazing technology and really go after this youthful generation. Of course, allowing we could keep the expenses within our budget.
Exploring the updates for the cameras installed into the product design, the idea of really not holding anything back, truly making the front-facing selfie camera the best ever. I envision the tweens and teens to use it as a portable mirror. This feature is already used on advanced tablets. MM could be the first to really boast a portable, better-than-which-is-in-the-bathrooms-of-our-homes, mirror. One that can enhance for looking for imperfections like zits, or to simply make sure that a gal's make-up is all nice and pretty. This alone could excel MM into this ever-growing generation that wants to stand out, not blend in. The world's first “digital” mirror. With this type of quality in the camera, MM can take the selfie world by storm.
Additionally, integrated apps for education could really help pull-in the parents of our target audience; making the apps a part of the device's firmware. There were also discussions about having the luxury to unlock your home and for some, start their cars with these built in apps.
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The screening step is a critical part of the new product development process. Product ideas that do not meet the organization's objectives should be rejected. Two problems that may arise during the screening stage are the acceptance of a poor product idea, and the rejection of a viable product idea. In the former case, money and effort are wasted in subsequent stages until the product idea is abandoned. In the latter case, a potential winner never sees the market (Boundless, 2016).
While going through the screening process we must screen internally and externally. Internally, we can look at the overall costs and production factors when creating our new phone. The completely clear, sapphire-crystal phone is a bold and innovative concept and will most likely be part of future devices; however, at this time, the costs for materials and production are too high; we'll have to wait on this process. It would be very difficult to earn profits with these initial expenses for production. Other ideas were the completely updated camera with all the facets mentioned previous. This can be an expense that can be rectified because production isn't that much different from existing devices created by MM, and should really play a nice role in getting our target market clamoring to get our new phones. Educational apps should be easily integrated with the support of the app creators; they'll be more than happy to help with our new device and this should not affect/effect the overall costs of the phone. The use of the phone to function as a key for vehicles and homes should also be an easy add.
Externally, we need to know if our ideas will be commercially viable. It is pretty easy to predict that an updated camera, with the latest technology infused, will be a big hit for this newly forming generation. Everywhere in public that you look there is a teen taking selfie pictures by themselves or with friends, and then sharing them with the world via social media. Adding educational apps to aid with learning and parent/student/administration communication should test out nicely and really appeal to our target market's financiers: their parents. There are already a few device apps that will aid in the locking and unlocking, as well as starting vehicles; we'll just need to make sure that the softwares and technology are the best possible in order to avoid repercussions from these features not operating correctly.
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This is one of the first tests that we need to conduct for our product development. This is a process where marketing personnel try to obtain initial feedback about the previously suggested ideas for MM's new phone by looking at internal and external stakeholders. The first of the new phones will be created at this point with the newly developed ideas, a prototype that MM can gather feedback. By having our target market (potential customers) actually test the product and then survey them on how the new phone appealed to them and to their parents. And, if the features are something that really will drive sales.
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New Product Development Cycle
As this diagram depicts: these are the steps to be used for all product development strategies. It is with this model that MM's process with be broken down letting all members of the board know exactly how each step is utilized the in the marketing a new product development.
Each of these steps will be defined and you will be given a breakdown of how these important steps affected the process and how MM's future success will be determined.
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We've already determined that the sapphire-crystal technology will be too expensive to produce at this time; the margins for error are high and the materials are really expensive. The only real extra-cost for developing our new phone is the extensive works we have done on our cameras. This added feature caused to the production cost to go up approximately 16% which can be made up with the slightly raised price of the product on the finished end. The average cost of a new phone in the US is around $350.00. We should be able to stay below this median by keeping production costs down and by adding a percentage to the overall price of the final product. In these booming times of technology, there should be a great opportunity for MM to make some decent returns in their investments.